About Round Table


Round Table Southern Africa, exist to make impactful change in our communities and Southern Africa as a whole. We retain and grow our members, young men willing to give up their time, and skills to give back to those less fortunate. We Inspire, We grow, We transform lives, We disrupt, We engage, We CHANGE.
The best and most logical choice for any young man in Southern Africa that want to join a group of like minded men that want to give back, make a difference and inspire people in our towns, cities, provinces and countries.

There has never been a better time to put your hand up and be the difference you want to see in this world.
Round Table Southern Africa – Changing lives for the better, leaving impactful change and believing whole heartedly that we live in the best part of the World.

What does Round Table Do?

Discuss Welfare Projects

Every Round Table holds one or two business meetings and usually one ‘social’ meeting per month. These meetings are the forums at which various welfare projects and fund-raisers are discussed, often with input from outside speakers.


Fun & Fellowship

Fellowship is always of a high quality, especially after closure of each meeting. Social meetings may be used to play action cricket or some other social activity, or more frequently, simply to ‘raid’ another Table in the endless quest for more fun and fellowship!


In particular, Round Table offers an excellent opportunity for meeting new friends from your own community, area, country and the world. It also offers an excellent vehicle for self-improvement in areas such as public speaking, leadership, project management, and meeting procedure.


Travel internationally

Travel forms an important part of Tabling and is integral to the smooth operation of Round Table internationally. Typically, a visiting Tabler to another Association is often looked after by Tablers in that Association to make it easier for Tablers to travel internationally.

Round Tablers  worldwide are instant friends.